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Mo'orea - Îles du Vent - Polynésie Française

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I base my treatments in various philosophies such as Japanese philosophy and Hindu techniques, Buddhist, Kabalistic and Christian beliefs also, and by mixing the ideas and concepts of psychology, active listening, intuition, respect, communication, honesty and transparency, concepts of metaphysics, quantum physics, neurolinguistic programming, the law of attraction, meta-medicine, bio-energy, harmonization of chakras, universal energy, meditation, balanced nutrition, litho-therapy, singing and healing, chromo-therapy, vibratory frequency, family of souls, warriors of light, astrology, positivism, altruism, power of speech, akashic registers, past lives, aura, Qi gong, Tai chi, mantras, mandalas, etc.

I firmly believe that in this world everything is energy. Then all this knowledge and energies will accompany me at the time of your treatment.


Discover a little more about the history of energies, its beginning and its main characters.

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Although the full cycle of health care is recommended for people with a pathology, it is always much more recommended for those who want to experience the full experience of tuning.The three phases of health: “The full health cycle consists of three phases” (each phase consists of two health training sessions):
Phase 1 • tune your physical body to your auric field

We invite you to fill in a file with your information plus a discussion on the effects and functioning of the Sanergía.
Phase 2 • “Mens sana in corpore sano”: remove the old pattern of alteration.
At our meeting you will receive the answers to the file that you filled before with the causes of the diseases. Healing occurs at multidimensional levels: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.

Phase 3 • Tuning to the Universe.
Work on perception and multidimensional consciousness
A state of inner peace, an increasing increase in brain capacity and intuition, a state of optimism, positivism and well-being. You will develop your survival instinct by better interpreting the signs of the universe through a new state of consciousness. Its healing powers will develop, contributing to increase the vibration of the planet.

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A Quantum Leap in your Awareness.
The Sanergía Connection restores the balance between the energy lines of our body and the energy grid of the planet and the Universe. The Connection places each of us on the right path of life and enables us to move forward in a state of balance by activating a continuous exchange of light and information, appropriate to each being. It allows the connection with DNA parts or components and the reintegration of "strings" or "filaments" (simultaneous or parallel planes of existence).

The Sanergía is the set of energies generated by new measurable frequencies on the planet and the Universe since 1989, facilitating/providing a process of ascension and awareness through energies. The Sanergía Connection will be a defining experience for your future.

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reiki KARUNA®

Karuna is a Sanskrit word used in Hinduism and Buddhism. It is the meaning of any action taken to alleviate the suffering of others and could also be translated as “compassionate action”. When individuals experience enlightenment, they report that all beings are known as one. Therefore, it is natural to extend the compassionate action or Karuna to everyone without distinction because we are all one. By helping others and their healing process, all people benefit. Because of the unity of all beings, it is understood that Karuna is not only extended to others for love, but also because it is a perfectly logical thing to do. The same way you’d want to heal your own wounds of others heal. It is also said in Buddhist literature that Karuna must be accompanied by parjna or wisdom in order to have the right effect.

Over the years, Reiki has diversified its way of teaching, creating many schools around the world. It is true that the lack of information about Mikao Usui’s approach to teaching is partly responsible. This is why new techniques were born over time, after the death of Mikao Usui, then with Hawayo Takata and again after. This is the case for example of the use of crystals, the crystal grid, the Antahkarana, the study of the Chakras, the meditation in motion, the auric cleansing… etc. which did not appear long after. Today the sign " ® "; means that this Reiki teaching is controlled by the Reiki Karuna® Training Center by its founder William Lee Rand in order to guarantee you authentic training and thus avoid deviations.



My registered Master Karuna license number is: FRM 19-028


For more options click here


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Reiki is the art of channelling the vital energy of the Universe and Earth and then transmitting it to someone´s body/mind/spirit through the imposition of hands.
The Reiki practitioner becomes a channel through which the energy passes to the receiver. These energies usually bring what you need during the particular session and in life in general. Reiki is an effective approach to personal, professional and spiritual development.
Dr Mikao USUI had a very rich spiritual life and career successes thanks to the arrival of the Meijing family to the power.
He shared with the Meijings the love for philosophical poems. He even had his first students recite these poems in a loop, like mantras.
His material success was short-lived and he was employed in various functions, in order to live decently.
Unsatisfied with not being able to discover the true meaning of life, he set out to travel to America and India and was inspired by Japanese Buddhism through his encounter with a spiritual Tendai director.
He had already noticed in him this ability to relieve the evils of his contemporaries by the affixing of hands,
but at that moment he did not pay more attention to it.
It was by chance, as he studied later, that he discovered ancient drawings of symbols, also found in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition.
He had no way of understanding the meaning of it, but had the feeling that he was holding the ideograms of an unparalleled spiritual power.

It was at the beginning of the last century, in the 1910s, that he felt the need for a prolonged meditation on Mount Kurama, not far from his Tendai monastery, a place known as sacred, in contact with universal energy, where many pilgrims went to meditate. Always in search of the meaning to be given to his life, he hoped to find an answer.

There he spent 21 days meditating, during which he had the “enlightenment” he had been waiting for: the profound understanding of the meaning of the previously discovered symbols, and the method to use them in all their power

On his return from Mount Kurama there was a natural disaster in the region, and wanting to help the victims, he remarked once again the healing power of his hands, and the state of relaxation that replaced suffering. It was on this occasion that he received the honorary title of Doctor.
With these teachings, he decided to open a first Reiki center in Rajano, followed by an even larger one near Tokyo, where he began teaching REIKI in the form of group meditations and based on the poems of Emperor MEIJING.
It was Mr. Eguchi, an initiator, who systematized the technique of the imposition of hands in REIKI treatments, with the approval of Mikao USUI.
The Reiki took off again in the 1920s, with the arrival of disciples from the upper spheres of the Imperial Navy, who codified REIKI teaching, in similar ways to the current teachings.
On the death of Dr USUI in 1926, Eguchi and Mr. Hayashi each founded a REIKI centre, thus perpetuating the development of Reiki.
In 1935, an American-Chinese woman, Hayawa TAKATA attended Mr. Hayashi’s clinic, hoping to cure a cancerous tumor.
Fascinated by the effects of Reiki, she is initiated by Hayashi, who designates her as the heir of the system: this is how REIKI passes in the western world, via the United States. It is possible that from her the connection to the Reiki of the notion of Chakras , used in India for millennia thanks to the initiation to PRANA, which evokes the same notion of «vital energy».
Mrs. TAKATA will in turn introduce her granddaughter Phyllis FUROMOTO, who, assisted by Mr. Mitchell, was travelling the world to spread the hard teaching REIKI USUI RYOHO: Reiki USUI system.
Today, Reiki continues to be passed on.
There are clinics in Reiki and several hospitals offer Reiki treatments. Some mutual societies in Germany and Switzerland reimburse the Reiki sessions

Today Reki is becoming more and more common, sessions and initiations are being booked everyday.





I offer different options for fulfill your needs:

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If you have children and you want them to discover Reiki, they will be fascinated with the results. For this reason I propose you a treatment that is a little shorter, adapted to the times of the little ones and that will allow your child to relax, to find his space of relaxation or even of "siesta" where he can develop his creativity and imagination.

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This package is made for those who want to follow a treatment. Normally when we do a session, there are feelings or emotions coming out, so this is the opportunity to continue to look and work on what’s come out or what’s preventing us from reaching our goal. Enjoy 3 close sessions (between 2 and 30 days) of Reiki Usui or Karuna® or mixed.

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If you are unable to join me, distance treatments are always a good option. We will contact your by phone with the same intention of the interview before a session. After you will receive the treatment for 30 minutes: it is necesary for you in this time to have your own space and to remain calm and serene if possible. When we’re finished, we’ll re-communicate to share our feelings and experiences.

The origin of the word Sanergía comes from the fusion of the words Wisdom, Health and Energy ("Sanar"= heal + "Energía"= energy).
'Health is a multitude of things, a science rich in emotions and information. When I took part in the general practitioner training course, I was surprised to see how many things lay in the definition of health and how the power to prolong the lives of those who want or need it is in our hands." (Ilenia Cortes, Jurist and Practitioner of Sanergía level 3)
First we say that Sanergía is not a therapy, but a great positivist philosophy developed by the Italian-Belgian research scientist Alessandro Di Masi. It is even a practical application of the underrated powers of quantum physics.


The Sanergía session: By doing some manual movements, without touching the body of the client and accompanying them with certain thoughts, this technique aims to balance the energetic body and the aura of the person. Without exception anyone can be treated! There is an incredible shocking effect that the sessions have on the behaviour of the person in the short and long term. Also when a client suffers from certain pathologies and perhaps the medicine fails to resolve them, the client may request several sessions of Sanergía or a Syntonization, more focused on the type of complaint. There are always two sessions (3-30 days in between).

Important: at the end of his second session, we explained to the client the WHY of his illness. What is usually the emotional, mental or spiritual cause of an illness? How was it born? A printed file is sent to the client so that he does not lose or forget the explanation. Often, they are blindsided by what we tell them.
"The destination of the practitioner of Sanergía is to find himself without clients" - Alessandro Di masi. 

They don’t care about losing a customer because a satisfied customer will send them new customers.
Nor should we generalize: at the time of the hippocratic oath, physicians and therapists were convinced that they wanted the well-being of the patient. However, we think that alleviating the symptoms with a drug that hides the disease, deceiving the brain, is not cure and I leave you the freedom to think what you want. Please think how the industry benefits from it. 
The practitioners of Sanergía reveal the mystery: by eliminating the mental, emotional, psychological and emotional causes, they tend, in most cases, to stop the evolution of the disease. From there, illness becomes a choice. The client changes course, the people he meets or the characteristics of his character (intolerance, anger, toxic convictions), and he improves rapidly. This is how spontaneous, unexpected and spectacular cures were achieved. Is health therefore a medicine (drug) ? No. But if you’re trying to get someone to wake up, congratulations.

The Sanergía includes techniques based on: metasanergía (CIBE + Alssandro Di Masi), Connection (only once in life), quantum physics, NLP, metaphysics (power without limits), spirituality, Buddhism, neuroplasticity, the law of attraction.

It is compatible with EVERYTHING, with all types of medications or therapies, it is not invasive, it does not use products or medications (drugs), it is beneficial to everyone and has never harmed anyone.
The greatest scientists among readers will want to use more sophisticated terminology to declare that Health restores harmony between the axional lines of our body, the energy grid of the planet and the universe and puts us all on the right path of life. It connects us to what was intended for each of us and allows us to move forward in a state of serenity and balance by activating a continuous exchange of energy and information appropriate to each being allowing the connection with the pieces of DNA and the reintegration of “strings” or “filaments” (simultaneous or parallel planes of existence) into our system.”
I invite you to visit the "master" website to learn more about the Sanergía:

My license number of Practitioner of Sanergía registered is: 1829

I propose different formulas to fulfill your needs:


You will receive a reminder 24 hours prior to your appointment to confirm, postpone or cancel. Please arrive a few minutes before your session and bring some soft clothes. Payment will be due at the time of the appointment. Cash and Paypal accepted.

Our therapies and techniques are considered an alternative, holistic or natural medicine. We do not diagnose, treat or prescribe drugs for physical or psychological illnesses. Please seek advice from a licensed health professional to address these concerns. These practices are intended to complement your current health care.

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